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My sister and her husband and I have been exchanging japanese lucky kitties (Maneki Neko) on holidays. I think it's hilarious. The lucky kitty in the corner is one I got Claire.
Anyways - I had fun with the depth on this drawing but I regret not following it more. I wish I would have drawn a neon sign following the same angle as the hip bone - then I could have drawn perpendicular lines coming out from under the sign.
Oh well - the next sketch should have some more depth.
I drew this around 6 years ago I think. I gave it to my dad, who has always had a fascination with elephants. I suppose I recently inherited it. It's nice to have on my shelf.
Here's a drawing I've been meaning to complete for a while now. This was meant as an exercise to help me get comfortable with the Wacom tablet.
I could probably spend more time darkening and refining this but i got anxious to throw some color in there and play with texture.
I wish my sketchbook had layers.
If anyone wants to color it - I can upload the psd.
Another night in the groupboard. When things are chaotic enough, subjects start to emerge. My friend Sam used to play this game in highschool called "Find the Piggies". He would make sheets of paper covered with dots and hand them out early in the day - the idea being, you find pigs in the midst of the dots - like constellations. It was interesting how the pigs always bore the stylistic traits of the artists.
I did this really quickly, like..10 minutes tops. I used the Wacom tablet and a photo a snaked from Flickr. It's so fun using a tablet in photoshop - it's as if my sketchbook has layers. My girl has been borrowing a very fine violin and passionately fawning over the qualities of it - so when I was drawing this I was expressing the exact same thing.
I drew this at a pseudo mexican retaurent called qDoba. I think I got a southwestern influence sitting in there. I seem to be getting a little better with rocks. Some foreground rocks would have been interesting but that requires planning or layers or something.I'm going to go back and color this tonight.
I've been going to figure drawing classes lately (I'll probably post some of those later) and it seems to be making my mental images more vivid. The other day I kept seeing all these cartoons in my head and they all had this dead fish eyed look.
So here's one - it has elephant feet. Notice the recurring halo / aura / ten thousand burning buddha thing above the fish.
Claire loves the sea horse.
This is a study for a painting I would like to attempt. Scott (who never posts) and I found a collection of shelves that we decided would make a great base for a collection of paintings. If you look with a careful and heartless eye you can see the errors in proportion when I went from the thumbnail to the full size sketch. Hopefully these are the kinds of issues I can now avoid when i go to the 11 x 40 shelf.
Anyways, the big cloth drawing took about 5 hours to do. Typically when i draw tight things I need to get up like every 15 minutes and go do something else, but this time i was really driven to keep with it till it was finished. (street fighter 3 matches not-withstanding)
Oh also - adding the white was amazingly fun.
On the left side of the face, even with the nose/mouth, there is a wonderful little shape. It looks like a drip. I'm proud of that mark.
If you look at the little lines in the glasses extrusion you can see this stupid mistake i often make. when going around a shape i often forget wich angle i am supposed to be extruding on and the angle kinda slides....looks stupid.
i like the look of the glass despite that though.
I also struggle with the part of the bottom eyelid that touches the top eyelid when the eye closes..but i love drawing tear ducts.
I think the scratchy nature of the groupoard actually lends something to the drawing.